What Cuban-Americans feel about the election

a growing minority of progressive Cuban-Americans push back

Plaza vieja, Cuba. via Unsplash.

loss + trauma,

drizzled on top of white body supremacy

served up in a glass of US hegemony

is the reason we have a Cuban American community in the US.

It’s painful to see,

The basic disregard and lack of respect for others:

Black lives, families, children,

fleeing from things that we understand so intimately

And yet

A callousness in response, an utter lack of sympathy for the human decency and care for another human being.

It’s disgusting.

I’m disappointed.

It is time to leg go, what’s done is done, MOVE ON,

America is not under threat of becoming a communist dictator state…

Socialism isn’t communism, social safety nets are not communism…


Let Cuba prosper,

There can be nothing but good that could come from a more free exchange of ideas and trade,

Which amounts to power-building for the Cuban people,

And change will come from within,

It’s the only way

The strangle hold has to stop,

It hasn’t worked

And they are suffering

Because of it. Because of us.

Cubans4Trump, the very thing you hate, is the very thing you have become to the Cuban people.

end the embargo. punto.

With all respect to our traumas, our struggles and those of our parents and abuelos…

It’s time to change.



The Cuban Social(ish)

A NYC Cuban perspective on the whole “US-vs-Cuba-60-year-feud-with-no-sign-of-ending” situation. #endtheembargo #lasvidasnegrasimportan